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Monday, December 14, 2009

Lesson 11: Planets and their Philosophical Traits...

Every human being is blessed with a divine Soul (Aatma)...

We know that we must realize our Soul as early as possible, to get rid of from the cycle of Births and Deaths...

Soul (Aatma) is eternal, is always illuminated with divine rays of 'Fire' and having Sattvic Gunaas and hence Soul is rightly indicated by the 'Sun' as per our Maharshis...

Divine rays of Sun are reflected by the 'Moon' to Earth... Hence 'Reflection' principle is the property of the Moon, which is also sattvic in nature with 'Water' tattwa which reflects...

Mind of human being is similar in nature which reflects human thoughts, which are unstable in nature... So Mind or 'Chitta' is indicated by the Moon...

The 'Strength' or 'Stamina' of human whether physical or mental is indicated by the Mars... When it is physical that human is blessed with 'Muscle Power' and when it is mental, he is blessed with 'Buddhi Balam' or Intellectual Strength...

Mercury is associated with 'Vaak' or 'Speech' of human being... Mind is constantly thinking and finally it wants to express its thoughts to another human being (Communication) and it does with the help of 'Speech' which is indicated by Mercury... So Mercury indicates Expression, Speech and Communication... In general this speech is related to materialistic matters because of its Raajas Guna...

Jupiter indicates 'Sukham' or 'Happiness' of a human being... Jupiter is Sattvic in nature as we already know... With this nature Jupiter is blessed with true knowledge and with this knowledge that human leads a Happy life, with comforts and a good social status Jupiter guides that person with its principle (Etheric) of 'Vigyanam'...

Kaama or Desire or Passion of a human being is the basic quality of Venus or Shukra... Desire of every thing .. sexual, name, fame, materialistic, money, luxury and so on ....
Desire of Materialistic comforts (Raajas Guna) is the predominant quality...

'Dukkham' or Moroseness or Sadness of a human being is represented by Saturn... Saturn is the farthest planet from the Sun and hence very little light (knowledge) is reached to Saturn, which makes Saturn ignorant, illiterate and narrow minded... and hence these qualities results in Melancholy or sad situations to that human being by Saturn...

Synopsis :

Sun --> Aatma or Soul
Moon --> Chitta or Mind
Mars --> Sattva or Strength
Mercury --> Vaak or Speech
Jupiter --> Sukham or Happiness
Venus --> Kaamam or Desire
Saturn --> Dukkham or Sadness


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