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Monday, December 14, 2009

Lesson 16: Planets & Their Lordships to Signs...

We have already discussed that the Zodiac is divided into 12 Signs...

Saints observed that some of these signs are related to some particular planet...

They slowly understand that when a planet is transiting through these Signs, the intrinsic nature of the planet is changing accordingly... In some Signs those planets completely loosing their nature, while in some particular signs retaining their nature...

Rishis noticed that planets are very comfortable in some particular signs and in those signs those planets retaining their nature completely as if they are at their own home with peace...

Saints made these planets as the lords of those Signs....

So every planet is having lordship to some Signs... These lordships are as follows...

Sun----------> Leo
Moon-------> Cancer
Mercury----> Gemini & Virgo
Venus------> Taurus & Libra
Mars--------> Aries & Scorpio
Jupiter-----> Sagittarius & Pisces
Saturn------> Capricorn & Aquarius

Thus, except Sun and Moon every other planet rules two Signs in the Zodiac...

From the above table we understand that Mars rules Aries and Scorpio... It indicates that Mars while transiting these signs feels comfortable as if he is in his own Sign... We call that Mars is in his 'own' Sign when he is transiting Aries... Mars will be very strong in his own Sign... In fact planet is strong while transiting its own Sign...

Similarly, Moon is the lord of Cancer, or we can say, Cancer is ruled by the Moon, or we can also say Moon is the owner of Cancer...

Sun is the owner of Leo... Or Sun will expose its complete nature in this Sign...

Thus planetary ruler ships are assigned to different Signs...


Lesson 15: Planets and their Natural Behaviors...

Our Rishis considered Jupiter and Venus as natural benefics...

Mercury changes its behavior according to planetary conjunctions...
If Mercury conjoins benefic planets then it also behaves as benefic and vice versa...
That is, if Mercury and Jupiter are in the same Degree in space, Mercury is said to be in conjunction with benefic Jupiter and thus it also acts as benefic...

Sun, Mars and Saturn are considered as Malefics...

Moon, when she is growing is considered as Benefic and when decreasing she behaves as malefic...

Rahu and Ketu are considered similar to Saturn and Ketu and hence both are Malefics...

Are these planets always considered as above? Is Saturn is always malefic? Is Jupiter always benefic?

We already discussed this...

The above mentioned behaviors are the inner nature only... They can change their nature temperarly but resume their intrinsic nature as soon as possible...

For example, say, Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction... As Jupiter is natural benefic and Saturn is natural malefic and that they are in conjunction the overall effect will be neutral... As soon as they separate from each other they resume their inner nature... Right !

Here, interesting point to notice is that, why did saints consider Sun as malefic?!!!

As far as we learned till this point, Sun is our Soul, he is Sattvic, he is a King with Masculine Fire, He leads us etc... All are ideal qualities to have... Then why is he considered as Malefic by the saints?

Perhaps, saints decided that there are very less humans with these Sun's royal qualities... Sun always try to boost the human beings with his qualities, but we never try to reach our souls through his influence and develop our own ego and accustom to raajastic and tamasic gunas instead of sattvic gunas... We already discussed these gunas...

And this is how planetary are described by the saints...


Lesson 14: Planets and Their Expressions...

Every planet wants to express its existence... They try to indicate their presence in their own way...

Sun--------> through Guidance, Leading
Moon------> through Emotions
Mercury---> through Speech
Venus-----> through Desires
Mars-------> through Actions
Jupiter----> through Spiritual means
Saturn---> through Sorrowness

Suppose, if a kundli is extremely dominated with Mars, then he expresses his caliber through only action... He does'nt waste his time through talking or boosting himself... Example, Sachin Tendulkar, A. R. Rehman and so many...

With Sun dominated Kundli's, the subject try to express his caliber through Guidance or leading the public or by leading an organization or leading a film by direction, captain of cricket team etc...

In this way we should understand the above expressions and apply to modern conditions...

Saturn dominated people try to express with their sad events and try to create self-sympathy oriented situations...

Venus, try to express themselves with their passions and materialistic desires, especially through their sensual desires....

Jupiter through spiritual means, through teaching, by their optimistic views etc...

And off course Moon through her emotions...

When Mercury and Mars having equal domination... then that person not only just speak but also does that in action...

Sun and Mars dominated people not only just guides but shows his views to others by action oriented... Thus is a true leader... Mahatma Gandhi, MelGibson's character in 'Braveheart' movie...

And so on... Try to blend different combination....

The above classification guides us in grasping what Sensex is trying to express us...


Lesson 13: Planetary Kingdom...

Planets are again classified as the following roles in a Kingdom according to Vedic Astrology...

Sun----------> King
Moon--------> Queen
Mercury----> Prince
Mars---------> Knight
Venus-------> Minister(Materialistic)
Jupiter------> Minister(Spiritual)
Saturn------> Servant

This was the classification given by the rishis which suits those days conditions...

When applying to modern political structure...

Sun----------> Prime Minister
Moon--------> Home Minister
Mercury----> Youth Minister
Venus-------> Entertainment
Mars---------> Defense Minister
Jupiter------> Finance Minister
Saturn------> Government Servants

And similarly we must able to apply this vedic classification to modern situations... Try them in different ways...

One more application of the above classification to Film industry will be like this...

Sun---------> Director
Moon------> Story, Script, Screenplay
Mercury---> Actors, Singers ( Performers)
Venus-----> Music, Choreography, Art
Mars-------> Stunts
Jupiter----> Producer
Saturn-----> Light boys, workers etc.

In this way we have to apply the same to the modern situations...


Lesson 12: Planetary and their Genders...

We will continue our discussion with one more classification of the planets...

Planets are given the following Genders ...

Sun-----------> Masculine
Moon---------> Feminine
Mercury-----> Neutral or Eunuch
Mars----------> Masculine
Jupiter-------> Masculine
Venus--------> Feminine
Saturn-------> Neutral or Eunuch

This classification has to be understand in broader way... Saints had special meaning while mentioning the genders of each planets...

During vedic period if kundli was dominated with feminine planets then the birth must be of a female and vice versa... Those days there was a clear picture regarding gender of a kundli...

But Now-a-Days....!!?!!

Feminine nature indicates Female qualities in either Females or Males... We can observe some Males with Feminine nature, similarly some Females with Masculine nature...!!!

So, even though birth is female one by sex, due to domination of Masculine planets in her Kundli, she may have masculine qualities and vice versa...

Saturn and Mercury are Neutrals or Impotent ! Why? That does not mean exactly eunuch births... We may observe that though some births are pure Masculine they are lacking sexual ability...

Saturn indicates age(generation) gap between the married couple, which creates misunderstandings, serious thinking, melancholic and hence no proper sexual pleasure...

Mercury creates over talking, over thinking during sex and less sexual activity... thus ending in dissatisfaction...

These days with huge population, it is very difficult to predict the correct gender of a kundli and whom the subject will going to marry whether a male or female or eunuch !!!?

So that is the end of Gender Classification of planets...


Lesson 11: Planets and their Philosophical Traits...

Every human being is blessed with a divine Soul (Aatma)...

We know that we must realize our Soul as early as possible, to get rid of from the cycle of Births and Deaths...

Soul (Aatma) is eternal, is always illuminated with divine rays of 'Fire' and having Sattvic Gunaas and hence Soul is rightly indicated by the 'Sun' as per our Maharshis...

Divine rays of Sun are reflected by the 'Moon' to Earth... Hence 'Reflection' principle is the property of the Moon, which is also sattvic in nature with 'Water' tattwa which reflects...

Mind of human being is similar in nature which reflects human thoughts, which are unstable in nature... So Mind or 'Chitta' is indicated by the Moon...

The 'Strength' or 'Stamina' of human whether physical or mental is indicated by the Mars... When it is physical that human is blessed with 'Muscle Power' and when it is mental, he is blessed with 'Buddhi Balam' or Intellectual Strength...

Mercury is associated with 'Vaak' or 'Speech' of human being... Mind is constantly thinking and finally it wants to express its thoughts to another human being (Communication) and it does with the help of 'Speech' which is indicated by Mercury... So Mercury indicates Expression, Speech and Communication... In general this speech is related to materialistic matters because of its Raajas Guna...

Jupiter indicates 'Sukham' or 'Happiness' of a human being... Jupiter is Sattvic in nature as we already know... With this nature Jupiter is blessed with true knowledge and with this knowledge that human leads a Happy life, with comforts and a good social status Jupiter guides that person with its principle (Etheric) of 'Vigyanam'...

Kaama or Desire or Passion of a human being is the basic quality of Venus or Shukra... Desire of every thing .. sexual, name, fame, materialistic, money, luxury and so on ....
Desire of Materialistic comforts (Raajas Guna) is the predominant quality...

'Dukkham' or Moroseness or Sadness of a human being is represented by Saturn... Saturn is the farthest planet from the Sun and hence very little light (knowledge) is reached to Saturn, which makes Saturn ignorant, illiterate and narrow minded... and hence these qualities results in Melancholy or sad situations to that human being by Saturn...

Synopsis :

Sun --> Aatma or Soul
Moon --> Chitta or Mind
Mars --> Sattva or Strength
Mercury --> Vaak or Speech
Jupiter --> Sukham or Happiness
Venus --> Kaamam or Desire
Saturn --> Dukkham or Sadness


Lesson 10: Planets and Thri Gunaas...

According to Ayurveda, Ahankaara(Ego) of the human being is of three kinds, known as 'Thrigunaas', they are Sattva, Raajas and Thamas respectively...

Sattva Guna :
Truthfulness, Righteousness, Belief in God and Rebirth, Knowledge, Intelligence, Sharpness of Mind, Memory, Self Control, Not to Think of defaming or blaming others etc. are some qualities of Sattva Guna...
Raajas Guna:
Instability, Lack of Self Control, Pride, Nature of telling Lies, Cruelty, Exhibition of one's own Vanity, Aspiration for self Flattering, Emotion and Excitement, Desire and Lust, Anger are some qualities of Raajas Gunaas...
Thamas Guna:
Weeping tendency and Moroseness, Naastikyam, Unlawful behavior, Suppression of knowledge by his wicked thoughts, Ignorance, Crooked mindedness, Laziness, Animal behavior, Tendency to sleep etc... Are Thamas Ahankaara...

Ahankaara of man jumps between these Gunaas like a mad monkey which is also drunken and bitten by scorpio, as per the planetary positions... Every Human being can be victim of any of the above Gunaas...

Blessed is the person, who is having Sattva Gunas...

Sun, Moon and Jupiter (Ketu sometimes) are of Sattva Gunaas...

Mercury and Venus are of Rajas Guna...

And Mars, Saturn, Rahu represents Tamas Guna...

We must able to blend the basic characteristics of the planets to know more about their nature...

For example, till now, we learn that both Sun and Mars are Fiery in nature and now we knew also that Sun is of Sattva Guna and Mars is of Tamas... So we can now differentiate their Fiery nature as 'Sattvic Fire' and 'Tamasic Fire' ...

Thus, the end of ThriGunaas and their relation to planets...


Lesson 09: Planets and Five Elements...

This world is a composition of Five Elements... These elements are also called as 'Pancha Bhutas' or 'Pancha Tattwas' in Sanskrit Language ...

These tattwas are Akasha, Vaayu, Agni, Jala and Prithvi tattwas...
in English they are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth elements...

Our saints recognized that Etheric element is ruled by Jupiter...

Saturn indicates Airy element...

Sun and Mars are of Fiery Nature..

Moon and Venus are indicating Watery element...

And Mercury is Earth element...

What is Etheric element?

Ether is said to occupy entire universe... From this Etheric element Air is evolved and from Air evolved Fire... This fire when is cooled is transformed into Water element... and when this Water is condensed, and the result is Earth element... !

Ether --> Air --> Fire --> Water --> Earth

This is a very general concept...

Both the Sun and Mars have Fiery nature... but there is difference between these fires...
Sun indicates Spiritual Fire while Mars indicates a action oriented Fire...

Moon and Venus are similarly have little difference in Watery nature... Here Water element means Liquid nature... For example, in our body Blood is indicated by the Moon, while Semen is indicated by Venus, similarly Petrol is indicated by the Moon while, Paints, Chemicals are related to Venus...

Here the point is, Venus indicates 'Refined' Liquids... The meaning of its name 'Shukra' in Sanskrit language itself is 'Refined'...

In this way planets are related to Five Elements...


Lesson 08: Vedic Charecteristics of Planets...

Our Rishis were able to feel the basic characters of every planet...

I was thinking how should I introduce these characteristics, so that we can remember them permanently...

To understand the characteristics of 12 Signs, we have to understand the basic characteristics of Grahas of first and also about the 'Pancha Bhootas' or 'Five Elements' and Triplicities etc...

So first we start with ' Vedic Planetary Characteristics'... Which are the building blocks of the Astrology...

Planets have their intrinsic nature...
Planets can change their nature temporarily by conjoining some other planet, or by transiting from sign to sign etc...
However, their intrinsic behavior will remain same...

For Example, the basic nature of Saturn is Malefic... Sometimes it becomes benefic , however it always try to resume its basic nature of malefic as soon as possible...


Lesson 07 : Rahu and Ketu part II...

As far as Rahu and Ketu are concerned...

Saints considered them as Grahas not planets... A lot of difference is there between the words 'Planet' and 'Graha'...

Planet means 'a heavenly physical body', which is having mass and volume...

'Graha' means 'which captures' in Sanskrit language... Graha is capturing something... Graha word is not indicating any physical meaning... in fact it is an act of capturing... !!! It should be grasped by mentally not physically means...

Each GRAHA is having this kind of capturing power... As already discussed earlier they capture the uneasy minds of all living beings on the Earth...

So Graha is defined in the sense of a quality rather than a physical means...

Rahu and Ketu are not visible physically, but they can be felt as Grahas because of their quality of capturing ability...

Pure love between mother and baby may not be visible physically but it can be felt...

Similarly saints, with their, psychic abilities can feel the basic traits of every astral body in the sky...

They feel the presence of Rahu and ketu in the similar manner...
