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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lesson 29 : How to Evaluate Planetary Strength & Conjunctions Indepth...

We can feel the strength of a planet.

We have to find out whether that planet is Exalted or Debilitated or in its Own sign or in a Friendly sign or in Enemy's sign.

Planet is weakest when it is in his Neecha sign and weaker in Enemy's sign.

Similarly, that planet is strongest when it is placed in the order of its Uccha sign, in its Own sign and its Friendly sign.

Suppose, Mars is in Cancer (Neecha) in conjunction with his enemy Mercury and also aspected by another enemy Saturn from Libra. !!?

This could be the worst possible planetary combination in which Mars becomes weakest.

We can interpret the condition of Mars as follows:

Mars, which likes to be aggressive and courageous and active, been suppressed by the emotional feelings created by the Moon (lord of Cancer) and also he is controlled by his Buddhi or intelligence (as in conjunction with Mercury) waiting for the right time to attack. Saturn is trying to take advantage of this weak condition of Mar's and trying to dominate him. Once Mars enters Leo, he suddenly becomes powerful and explodes like a bomb.

Thus we have to evaluate strength of a planet.

Difference between a Conjunction and an Aspect...

We already discussed that Conjunction is special case of an aspect.

In an aspect, we have one sided aspect or two sided also known as mutual aspect.

Conjunction is very closer to a mutual aspect in which both planets influence each other.

Moreover, if we consider the strength of final result of a Conjunction, a mutual aspect, and one sided aspect, in practical experience we will notice that Conjunction is the strongest one, and then comes mutual aspect and finally comes one sided aspect.

Saturn and Mars aspects:

These two planets are most malice and cruel in nature. These two can form a conjunction(1/1) and two mutual aspects !!?

One of the mutual aspect is formed when these two are in opposite signs (7/7)and the next mutual aspect form when Mars is in the 10th sign from Saturn(4/10).

These (Mars-Sat) aspects are very important in predicting medium term market movements in 'Stock Market Astrology'.

Conjunction of Sat-Mars is the most dangerous one. Then comes mutual aspect of (4/10) th aspect, and lastly comes mutual aspect of (7/7) between Saturn and Mars.

So, Conjunction is nothing but an aspect of (1/1), which is strongest among the remaining aspects.

We can write a separate book, as far as vedic concepts behind conjunctions are concerned.

What I am teaching is practically reasonable concepts of Vedic Astrology, which are working well in interpretation of Conjunctions.

As far as your query is concerned, conjunctions can definitely modify the behavior of the planets involved in it.

1) when the planets involved are both friends to each other, there qualities improve and the conjunction becomes benefice to the native. Ex. Jup-Mars, Sat-Ven, Jup-Moon, Moon-Mars etc.

2) when the planets involved are enemies to each other but natural benefics, they improve their qualities in the presence of their enemy and thus will prove to be overall benefice to native. Ex. Jup-Ven, Merc-Jup, Moon-Merc etc.

3) when the planets involved are enemies to each other and also natural malefics, they become wicked and mean and will seduce the native to take wrong path and final result will be a disappointing one. Ex. Sat-Mars, Sun-Mars, Sun-Sat, Sat-Rahu, Sat-Ketu, Mars-Rahu etc.

4) when those planets are natural benefics and also friends, definitely, both planets improve from there drawbacks and imparts benefic results to the native. Ex. Ven-Merc.

Conjunction with Sun...

Planetary conjunctions with the Sun are very interesting. We can have some astronomical clues.

Suppose let us take the conjunction of Sun-Moon. How can we visualize this conjunction with respect to Earth? We already discussed that this conjunction is nothing but what we call an 'Amavasya'. When Sun, Moon and Earth are in a line, with Moon is in between Sun and Earth Amavasya is formed. So w.r.t Earth Sun and Moon are in conjunction.

Similarly, when we consider conjunctions of Sun-Mars, Sun-Jupiter and Sun-Saturn we have to visualize same as above. However here Sun is in between these three planets and the Earth. So, these three planets are at the maximum distance from the Earth during their conjunctions with the Sun. We know that according to Gravitational Formula (G*m1*m2/R*R) as the distance between the two planets increases force of attraction between those planets decreases inversely.
So, during the conjunction of Sun and Mars, Mars becomes weaker somewhat. And also Mars is behind the bright light of the Sun, so rays from Mars may not reach Earth. And hence final conclusions regarding these three conjunctions are :

1) during these conjunctions Mars, Jupiter and Saturn become weaker.
2) during these conjunctions these planets are at maximum distance from the Earth.

Then what about the conjunctions of Sun-Merc and Sun-Ven?

Two kinds of Conjunctions can form with both Mercury and Venus to the Sun.

1) when one of these planets is in between the Sun and the Earth, called 'inferior conjunction'.
2) when the Sun is in between one of these planets and Earth, called as 'Superior Conjunction''.

In Superior conjunction Mercury and Venus are at maximum distance to the Earth and hence become weaker.

Superior Conjunction of Sun and Venus is called 'Shukra Moudyam' in Panchangas. Pundits say that during Shukra Moudya we should avoid marriages and other auspicious functions, as Venus is weaker.

In all these conjunctions with the Sun, Sun never gets weaker !

Sun is natural malefic and Venus is natural benefic. Both are enemies to each other. Sun is a masculine planet while Venus is feminine. Sun is having higher ambitions and goals (Sattvic) while Venus is with full of passions and desires (Rajas).

A perfect union to achieve royal challenges. Very social. Extrovert. Social relationships with higher authorities or government officials or royal families etc.. Higher targets and ambitions. Charming. Royal looks. These people will not marry till they get an equivalent partner in royalty. Fire of Sun will be calmed down with the watery nature of Venus. When this conjunction is formed in Leo, royal marriages took place.

Sun likes to be in sattvic nature by doing his selfless duties and responsibilities, without expecting any fruits or returns. While Venus highly rajastic in nature with full of desires and passions causing greediness and selfishness.
When a conjunction of these two planets occurs, a correct balance between sattvic and rajas nature occurs and thus that conjunction will lead to very benefic results to the native or to the nation or to the stocks markets etc.

Above are the general predictions about Sun and Venus conjunction. These results will modify according to the Sign in which this conjunction is formed and aspects received by this conjunction.


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